Planting Your Wildflower Seed Paper:

  • Sowing the Seeds:
    Place your wildflower seed paper on slightly compressed soil—firm but not too hard-packed.
  • Cover and Hydrate:
    Sprinkle a 1/8-inch layer of soil on top of the paper and give it a good watering. Keep the area consistently moist and bathed in sunlight.
  • Awaiting Blossoms:
    Patiently wait for the magic to happen. You should spot sprouts emerging within 7-10 days.

Best Planting Times:
Spring or late Spring (when it is warmer) is optimal. Yet, for frozen ground regions, wait a little later until Summer or even Autumn. Alternatively, plant seed paper indoors any time of year near a sunlit window.

Growth Timeline:
Following the instructions, anticipate wildflowers gracing your space within 8-12 weeks—each type of flower will bloom at a different pace.

For these wildflower seed cards you should water weekly, keep in a warm and sunny spot. They will be happiest if they get around in 6 hours of sunlight daily.

Troubleshooting Growth:
If your seed paper seems shy, fret not! Though, plants can be unpredictable. Ensure ample light, water, and attention, recognising that plant behaviour can vary based on environmental factors. It could just be taking a little longer than usual.